April 2013

April 2013

Steve Floyd and I are presently working on a close-ended eight-track project, recreating, reworking and updating some of the old Looks Like Lightning songs and writing a few new ones.  We’re doing it for our own pleasure – which is probably just as well since we don’t really know if anybody else will even like our music.  But that’s okay, it’s for fun.  I’ll be updating this site as the project progresses.  I hope you’ll check back and see what develops.

We are meeting about once a month for a full day of jamming, writing and recording as needed.  We do the stuff we need to do together on that day and then between times we email music files back and forth adding bits and trying things out.

We have (provisionally) decided on what the eight tracks will be for the new Project.

(1)  State Of Love
We had to do State Of Love, it being what anybody who remembers the old band would think of as a “main” number.

(2) Fallen Angels
One of our old songs that has been completely restructured by Steve Floyd.

(3)  Blast From The Past
A song written by Steve Floyd in the intervening time between then and now.

(4)  Caged
A new song written by Steve Floyd and Steve Tierney together.

(5)  Lament
A song written by Steve Tierney in the intervening time between then and now.

(6)  Shape Of Things To Come
The song we performed on Sky Star Search, but brought up to date and reworked. Written by Looks Like Lightning.

(7)  Thief
A new song written by Steve Floyd and Steve Tierney together.

(8)  An as yet unchosen or unwritten song


  1. Nick Sheehan

    I hope the lyrics to these will be published 🙂

    Moderator (Steve Tierney)’s Response:
    Surely you remember them? It wasn’t long ago. Oh wait… : )

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